Saturday, July 29, 2006

Not so much the Land of the Lost, really, but more like the Land of Vision.

Now, before anyone starts getting up in arms, either to mock Vision or to defend it, I would just like to say that it was an amazing experience for me. I had some realizations there that I'm not sure I would have come to had I not been at vision. I also think that it is an amazing experience for teenagers who are willing to let it change their lives, and I know that because in some of them I saw it happening. This observation is of course no guarantee that things will change in their "real" lives, anymore than the profound experience will change me permanently unless I allow myself to change. But the potential and the desire are there, and all I need is committment.

This whole spiel may seem really cryptic to those of you who don't know what Vision is. Well, a rudimentary rundown of it can be found here. If you want more information that that, you're going to have to call me. Hah! Internet stalkers thwarted again!

But now Vision is over. I have been staying at a friend's house for about a week, with the exception of a minibreak I took to Illinois (or Illinwah!) to perform in a concert with Nicholas. The concert actually went really well, right down to the costume change. (I got to wear two different formal gowns in two hours. How posh is that?) Only a couple of problems, mostly having to do with forgetting words that I never forget. This included forgetting an entire line from a song "I Remember It Well." Is that irony, or is that irony? It's friggin' certifiable irony, it is.

As for the house sitting, it's far too lazy. I have my stuff strewn all over creation because I'm sorting what I really need from what I could send home to use at Christmas from my charitable donations. Sounds like an odd time to be doing this, but having tried to shove my life into my car twice in the past three months, I'm getting a little tired of having to make multiple trips or sacrifice being able to see out my car windows. Hence the downsizing. That, and I don't need a bunch of clothes that are two sizes smaller than what I am currently wearing unless I plan on being that small before Christmas, which would be unhealthy. With a healthy weightloss program, though --mostly including single helpings of everything and some walking--I should be down there right around time for Christmas vacation, so sending them home is only logical.

To keep from boring everyone who's ever loved me enough to read this, I'm going to stop now. I warn you that it will likely not be very interesting reading until we get back to school and I start doing some decent reading. Or at least having some good drama in my life. Not to say I haven't had that, because I have, but it's not so painless as to be available for public consumption.

That said, song of the moment: "Waiting in Vain," Annie Lennox


Moose-Tipping said...

Well now let's see. That only took 26 days...:-P

Katie said...

I was busy being not hot. :-p yourself!