On the To Do list for this evening:
~Clean the house, because we (Jake and I) don’t have a clue when Ev and Juan are coming back…we think it’s Weds, but of course we don’t want to have the house in disarray when they get back. In this case, disarray must be though of in terms, not of my usual standards, but the standards for the exceptionally clean and organized people with whom I live. Come on, now—I wouldn’t toxify their house.
~Errands. I need food. Jake, of course, has plenty, but I need to stop eating at the dining hall. Or go all in for a meal plan and stop eating at home. Either way, a decision must be made.
~Make earrings for Jacqui. She’s had an order in for earrings to match three necklaces that I made for her, but I haven’t been feeling well enough to make them. They also require smashing, which is problematic in a nice little neighborhood unaccustomed to the sound of metal on metal on metal.
~Read approximately 200 pages of literary theory for class tomorrow. I’m actually feeling buoyed by the fact that I managed to accurately wade myself through 80 pages of Martin Heidegger. Myself. Alone.
~Revise my poems. All of them. No, don’t be frightened, this is not going to be another scary get-the-hell-out-of-here entry. I’m in a much better mood since talking to my parents. Funny how the same things that your friends tell you—that not everything should be personal, that sometimes when what you love is what you do, doing what you love is work, and hard work at that—actually sink in when your parents say them. So, when I say I need to revise all my poems, I mean I need to really read them and see if maybe Orlando has a point. I need to work on it.
~Finish my laundry. I may have left the last load in the dryer on Saturday, and it now needs to be fluffed because it has become a sad, wrinkly mess.
Instead of doing any of these things, I am watching 7th Heaven on the CW, which I have found on my cable. It’s channel 5. You need to know this because it is on the CW that the season premier of Veronica Mars will show next Tuesday.
I should actually revise that. I am not watching 7th Heaven. I am now watching a new show, Runaway. Starring Donnie Wahlberg, brother of Mark “Look at my Calvin Klein package” Walhberg. But this brother is the “Katie-as-a-shrieking-pre-pre-teen” Donnie, of TNKotB. That’s right: The New Kids. Covergirl. The Right Stuff. (Please) Don’t Go Girl. My 3rd grade heartthrob (I still have that CD, by the way. That and Paula Abdul’s Shut Up and Dance: The Remix. They were the first CDs in our house, back in what—1990?) is now a 40-something actor with his brother’s receding hairline but without the hip dip. At least not that we’ve seen. So strange. I may end up watching this show, now, because there appears to be a hot-the-way-your-best-friend’s-dad-is-hot neighbor and they’ve already had one car/penis joke. These are the hallmarks of quality television.
But back to 7th Heaven. No, actually. Now that I have a new show, I think it will suffice to say that I am being distracted, and need to wrest myself from the evil clutches of the Satan Box, and the slightly more insidious mitts of the blogosphere.
But before I go: Am I the only person who is sick of these winking woman, diet-food-as-indulgence advertisements? Yoplait mousse that’s “shoe-shopping good.” “All day massage good.” “Do the masseuse in the sauna while two or three more fight outside for dibs.” (PS, Yoplait…a masseuse is female. Yeah. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) Lean Cuisine that tastes like sin itself. Well, at least compared to munching rulers and accidentally licking self-adhesive stamps. I’ve had diet food, and there’s a reason that people go off their diets. Hint: it’s not because they’ve suddenly lost their appreciation of haute cuisine a la box. And women have enough self image problems without being told that their taste is also flawed because they’re panting for the masseur, not the yogurt.
P.S. Anyone else think that I just set a record for the number of hyphenated descriptions in one blog entry? I think I did.
P.P.S. The football star of this show's name is Brady. Coincidence? Yeah, a coincidence the way CW also being Charlie Weiss's inititals is a coincidence. Hah!
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