Wednesday, March 21, 2007

So Much to Do, So Little Time

That I forget all the things that I need to be productive at home. At this point, though, it would be silly to go home and get them, because I can almost guarantee that I'm going to fall asleep if I so much as think about home.

Or, thinking about it--I could potentially do laundry while working. This plan will only work, though, if the roomies are all out. Which, honestly, they tend to be during the day...hmmm...this plan could work.

Somewhere in the plan for the day I need to make a list of places I could live, once I get home, and the benefits of each place. I mean, I'll be able to live with my parental units (and by "able" I mean, I'll need to and they're willing) as long as I want, but I'd really like to spend the summer hoarding a little nest egg and move out sometime in Sept., depending on the job I'm able to get. Right now, the debate is do I want to live with someone, or do I want to try being out on my own? Obviously, each depends upon the job I get, but it's nice to start thinking ahead, especially ballparking rents, etc.

Yeah, that was a whole paragraph that essentially said nothing. Wahoo.

Song of the Moment: Seventy-Six Trombones from "The Music Man." For no reason whatsoever.

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