Today was the first Saturday in quite some time that I didn't have to be anywhere at any specific time. Well, other than to book the wedding reception venue (Eagle River Lions Club, for those who might be coming). It was amazing. We had coffee, signed the paperwork, then had breakfast burritos, and headed off to Thunderbird Falls. We walked a mile in the snow back to the falls, and talked, and drove to Eklutna Lake, and then out to Palmer. Another coffee at Vagabond Blues, and a shopping rampage at the bookstore out there. It was marvelous.
The best part, though, was when I decided that I needed another haircut. Yeah, I just got it cut on Thursday, but the last two days I haven't been able to style it the way it was when I left Metroasis. I received a bunch of compliments, and the cut was great, but it was one of those things where I was getting my attempt at long hair cut off (I like the idea of long hair, but it bores me when it's on me...looks lovely on other people, but I only like my long hair when it's worn up, so might as well cut it off) I wussed out and had her keep it longer than I really wanted.
ANYWAY, having received a great cut, and the fault being mine, I couldn't very well go back for a redo. It's embarrassing. So while we were out in Palmer (for the nonAlaskans, that about 40ish miles from Anchorage), I spotted a shop and though, I can get it cut now. But Jeremiah was waiting on me, so I didn't. Until I mentioned it to Jeremiah, who said he'd take a nap in the car so I could get the cut. Who does that? He does. All the time. Today was a great day, just because we spent most of it together, and it was wonderful. We split up for a couple of hours to do errands, and that was good. Then home for dinner (he bought BBQ so I wouldn't have to cook. And because he was about to eat a wildebeest if he didn't have something.) and a movie, and now he's slaying dragons while I address save-the-date cards and investigate doctoring a boxed cake mix for use as wedding cupcakes. I cherish this little slice of domestic tranquility. It should be boring--it's Saturday night and we're in our after-work uniforms watching a movie and messing on the compies--but instead of being bored, I'm at peace. And I get to enjoy this for the rest of my life. How blessed am I?
Stockholming, Day 6: pre-cut, and yes, I went to Notre Dame. Twice.

Heh, I like that expression! You look very happy. :-)
Yeah. I am. :)
Heehee- I've done the haircut thing too. The cut is cute in this picture, I wnt to see what you ended up with!
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