I promise that the hair looks better in person, but the sweater...It's one of my faves, and the color is great, but I'm afraid that the ribbing along the lower hem is tightening it around the hips. Tied under breasts + tight around hips = highlighting spare tire. Yep. Methinks it's time for this to go. I just wish you could see the fun copper ballet flats that all the men in my life think are really slippers but that you and I know are fun and easy shoes, good substitutes for Danskos, even (not as foot healthy, but much cheaper).
One day you're gonna catch someone coming out of the stall.
Oh, the thought of you catching someone coming out of a stall made me giggle!
Sorry you're not feeling well. :( I've had a sore throat (thanks to drainy sinuses) all week, but I think it is allergies. At least I *hope* it's allergies... Feel better soon!
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