Today was Costco day. Dorked around for the morning, then menu and shopping lists according to store (Fred Meyer vs. Costco, based on the "can you store 25lbs" principle). All things going well. Untile we arrived at le Csotco.
Now, Jeremiah and I made a deal: no pizza, no samples, no froyo. Big breakfast, no snacks. I thought it was pretty dedicated, because we even had a snack before we went. No, the problem today was not me--it was everyone else. It was the Sample Vultures. You know them--you might even be one of them. They're the ones that practically hear the food reach its doneness just before the microwave buzzes. Disturbance in the force! Free food! I will not be forced to wait for the next batch. I will park my three-ton dolly or my two-ton cart right here. Right in the aisle. Now, not only will the other vultures have to deal with me, but so will you, Miss Foolish Weekend Shopper, because here at Costco on a Sunday, it's all about the snacks.
Yeah. Yeah. You know who you are. And I have news for you. I just keyed your cart, and set your effigy on fire in my head. Get Out. The. Way.

Day 7: Feeling pretty good. The new cut looks way cooler in person--the back's all spikey, and the front has much more texture than it appears to have in the pic. But the hoodie's way comfortable, and the jeans are in day 3 of wear, by which I mean "perfect." And yes. These are borrowed socks.
I love the new haircut! I've had similar ones before, and your pre-cut is the kind that bugs me the most (when it's on me). The little wings behind my ears always refuse to behave.
Also, I don't know where my brain was, or how I managed to miss TWO days of your blog... Bah!
GREAT story.. I basically avoid Costco like the plague, ESP on the weekends *shudder*. Waaay too many people that do exactly what you described. Plus, I don't have a floor freezer and extra fridge to store all that bulk stuff.
That looks like a perfect go-to-store outfit to me!
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